All Star


Power System Sales
Professional Services
Engineering and Development Consultants. Project Management.
Electrical Contracting
Construction and Maintenance Services. Residential, Commercial & Industrial Electrical Wiring.
Wind Resource Data Acquisition and Windfarm Equipment
Solar Powered UPSS

Systems using an uninterruptible power supply conventionally receive the battery recharging from utility power. In this system electrical power from the photovoltaic array recharges the batteries of the UPSS when sunlight is available, thus lowering grid power use, & extending UPSS runtime during daylight hours.

Generator Backup System with Uninterruptible Power Supply

Some conventional utility connected facilities require backup electrical power supples. For loads which can tolerate "crossover disconnect-reconnect" supply outage pauses, an engine generator provides complete emergency backup. For critical loads such as computers, security, telemetry, communications & human life support systems, an uninterruptible power supply (UPSS), with its batteries & inverter, provide a continuous "no crossover" emergency backup. The size of the loads & the anticipated utility downtime determine the "on demand" capacity & battery/fuel storage capacity specifications.

All Star Electric designs & builds Solar, Generator, & Hybrid Backup Power Supply Systems; from the preliminary assessment to final system adjustments. Contact All Star Electric at (505) 856-1010 to request a proposal.